Hon. Abla Dzifa Gomashie Visits Three MOTCCA Agencies

Hon. Abla Dzifa Gomashie Visits Three MOTCCA Agencies
Hon. Abla Dzifa Gomashie Visits Three MOTCCA Agencies
Hon. Abla Dzifa Gomashie Visits Three MOTCCA Agencies

The Minister for Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts on Tuesday 4th February 2025 paid working visits to three agencies of the Ministry namely the Ghana Tourism Authority, the Ghana Tourism Development Company and the National Film Authority. The purpose of the visit was to familiarise and interact with staff at these institutions. The minister was accompanied by the Ag. Chief Director, Mr Vittus Otto Langmagne and other Directors at the Ministry.
In a meeting held with the new Chief Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Executive Officers, Directors and Staff at the Ghana Tourism Authority, Hon. Abla Dzifa Gomashie expressed her gratitude and acknowledged the roles played by the agencies in helping promote Ghana as a preferred tourism destination in the West African sub-region. She said this could only happen when staff work harmoniously and collaborate as a team.

The newly appointed Chief Executive Officer, Mrs Maame Efua Houadjeto, on behalf of management, congratulated the Hon. Minister and expressed their gratitude for the visit. She also pledged their commitment to work closely with her to achieve the sector's mandate.
At the Ghana Tourism Development Company (GTDC), The Hon. Minister asked staff to use appropriate channels to seek redress and will be more than willing to help settle any grievances for peace to reign.
Prof Kobby Mensah, the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer outlined the mandate of GTDC as :
• promoting tourism through marketing and commercial services
• developing and managing tourism infrastructure
• investing in tourism through mobilising resources and seeking equity participation in joint ventures
• assisting small businesses by providing financial and technical assistance

In all, he said it is only harmony and collaboration, which would help the GTDC achieve its vision.
At the National Film Authority, the Hon. Abla Dzifa Gomashie said there would be a need for training and re-training of staff in order to position staff well for the job. She also reiterated teamwork as helping to achieve the mandate of all agencies.
Mr Kofi Adinkra, the Business Development Officer, on behalf of his colleagues, thanked the Hon. Minister for the visit and also pledged their support to help the sector achieve its mandate of helping contribute to the GDP of our country.